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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

SBI 2-for-1 Holiday Special

SBI is offering their annual special buy one get one free holiday promotion. This is the best deal they offer. In fact, it’s now the only special deal they offer each year, having discontinued all their other seasonal promotions (Valentine’s Day, Spring Special, etc).

SBI is a popular online service that helps you build an income-generating online business. It includes the education, tools, and website hosting to get you to the point of making money. This service is for people who want to build a real online business that consistently generates income month after month. If you only want to put up a website and don’t care about whether it makes any money, you don’t need SBI.

The whole point of using SBI is to create a website that makes money for you, namely passive income that keeps coming in month after month.

I don’t recommend SBI for people with strong technical and web design skills who are already making streams of passive income online. If you’re already doing what SBI does, then you really don’t need it. Personally I don’t use SBI because I’ve been doing business online since 1995, so I already developed the know-how to do what SBI would otherwise do for me.

I recommend SBI as the best choice for people who aren’t already making at least $1000 per month online — and they’d really like to get into it — but they don’t know how to make it so. (If they knew how, they’d already be doing it, not just talking about it.) This is especially true for people who don’t have deep technical and design skills, but they can write well enough to produce decent content.

I also recommend SBI for people who have the skills to create a website or a blog, but they aren’t making much money with it, and they really don’t know how to monetize their work well. SBI does a great job of teaching you how to monetize your content, and they providing tools to get you into the money game faster.

One of the reasons I keep recommending SBI is that it works. I’ve recommended it to some of my closest friends. It’s gratifying to see them making money with it month after month. I can’t teach people to do what I do the way that I do it — it’s too complicated, and there are decades of knowledge and experience that got me to this point. Fortunately, SBI doesn’t require people to learn all of that. They provide a structure and tools to keep you headed down the right track towards making passive income for life.

One advantage that SBI has over blogging is that a blog can be a bit of a “monkey on your back.” There’s a feeling of pressure that you have to keep updating it. Personally that doesn’t bother me. I’ve been blogging for 6+ years and still enjoy it, and I have limitless new ideas to express. But if you don’t want to dedicate so much of your life to a single website, SBI is a good choice because it focuses on creating sites that don’t look like they need to be constantly updated, so if you want to take a few months off here and there — or just get it to a certain level and then enjoy the ongoing cashflow for life — that’s perfectly fine.

My friend Darlene is a talented raw food chef. I tell her she’s my stomach’s best friend. She has an SBI site called Raw Food Diet Inspiration, which she’s gradually built up to about 150 pages. She shares many recipes and tips for healthier eating. She can choose to let the site sit there, such as while she’s traveling, or she can continue to build it up by adding more content. By using SBI she was able to get up and running fast and has turned her passion into a online business.

If you just want to put up a website and don’t care about making money with it, don’t use SBI. Use WordPress instead. WordPress is very robust, and you can’t beat free. But a website is a different animal than an online business. It takes more knowledge and skill to build a successful online business that actually makes money.

My website may not win any design awards, but it consistently brings in six figures a year. It took about 24 months after I started blogging to pass the $10K per month mark. There are many SBIers who are earning at that level and more; most own multiple SBI sites.

If you want an online business that actually makes money, then I’d recommend SBI over WordPress for most people. SBI directly teaches people how to monetize their work and provides tools to assist in that process. The whole point of using SBI is for you to make money with it.

WordPress is a content management tool. SBI is a business building tool. There’s a lot of overlap, but the former is designed to help you publish content, while the latter is designed to generate multiple streams of passive income for you. If you want to share personal growth tips or something like that, use WordPress. If you want to make money from what you share, and you don’t necessarily want to create new content every week for years, then use SBI.

As a tip for succeeding with SBI, I recommend using Jack Canfield’s Rule of 5. Take 5 small actions each day to improve your SBI site, especially the content and monetization. Actions might include signing up for a new affiliate program, posting a new article, tweaking the layout of one of your pages for better flow, and so on.

Jack and his partner, Mark Victor Hansen, used the Rule of 5 to promote their first Chicken Soup for the Soul book. They took 5 specific actions each day, 6-7 days per week, to work towards their goal of making the book a New York Times bestseller. It took 14 months of consistent action, but they eventually got there. Actions included calling radio stations for interviews, calling bookstores to request that they stock the book, mailing out review copies, and so on.

SBI isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It’s not for the fool who thinks they can get something for nothing. It’s for the person who wants to share genuine value with others and generate income from their work. If you’re willing to put out good value, SBI will help you turn it into streams of income. That’s precisely what it’s designed to do, and it does that quite well.

The 2-for-1 special is only offered once per year. This is an extra optional bonus where you can get a second SBI subscription for a friend or relative (or even yourself) for FREE instead of the regular price.

This offer is only good until midnight on December 25th, 2010, so if you want to take advantage of it, now is the time to look into this and make a decision.

This is a great deal for couples, for a parent and child, or for two friends, since the two of you can build your own online businesses together.

Most SBIers that I know use the 2-for-1 special to build two sites for themselves. Every site monetizes differently, so they may find that one site brings in $500 per month while their second site is earning $2000 per month after an equivalent amount of time spent on each. This is also a great deal for people who have multiple passions, and they like having the freedom to switch back and forth between them.

If SBI sounds interesting to you, a good place to start is to watch their video tour.

Then you may want to read my full review.

After that you may want to poke around the SBI website.

And finally I recommend you read my Site Build It! Walkthrough.

If you have any questions about SBI, please submit them via their questions form. Your questions will be answered by an actual SBI customer.

Just remember that the holiday two-for-one bonus offer is expires at midnight on December 25th, 2010.

There are several successful SBIers who are active in the forums here, and they’ve been great about sharing tips and advice. So as you’re building your own SBI site(s), take advantage of that extra social support to keep you on track towards your passive income goals.

There’s no substitute for making money online. With a well-monetized online business, money comes in month after month, and you can generally expect the cashflow to continue for years. You can’t be fired and suddenly lose your income. Even if you stop working on your site after a while and just let it sit there, you’ll probably find that it keeps bringing in cash like clockwork year after year with no end in sight.

This is a wonderful place to be lifestyle-wise. Thanks to the income that generates, I’ve spent 9-10 weeks traveling this year, and I have another 10-day trip coming up in a few weeks — it will be my first ever White Christmas. I don’t need permission from my boss, and my website brings in more money than I spend while I’m on the road.

In the Spring of 2011, I intend to go to France. I haven’t been to Europe yet, so I’m really looking forward to the experience.

Other than laziness or limiting beliefs, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy similar freedoms and benefits. It’s definitely worth it! Who needs a boss anyway?

When I’m posting pics of the Eiffel Tower in a few months, will you still be slaving away at the same job? Or will you already be making money from a new web business and be well on your way to a lifestyle you desire? For a smart person like you, a job is totally unnecessary, and so is being broke. You deserve to get paid based on the value you create and share with people, not the number of hours you put in.

View the original article here

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