Providing the tools necessary to succeed in life!
A Path to Success
About Us
This meet-up is a personal growth and professional development group for people who are interested in discovering their purpose; creating their vision; and achieving excellence both personally and professionally. Meet and engage with a group of peers who strive toward living life to the fullest. This group concentrates on finding new ways to improve various aspects of life, (i.e., finance, self-esteem, emotions, business, relationships, health, selfconfidence, etc.) No matter how big or small your dream is, there is no reason it has to stay a dream. We hold regular monthly meetings featuring guest speakers and also facilitate activities to build community and further develop success skills. Ultimately, each of us is responsible for our own actions. Get yourself motivated by becoming a part of the Personal Growth & Professional Development Mastermind Group presented by A Path To Success™.
A Path to Success™ presents a structured program to motivate individuals, entrepreneurs, and professionals to succeed and fulfill their dreams. Our program can dramatically transform your life! With our Four Pillars of Success, you will learn communication, leadership, teambuilding, goal setting, time management, and many other useful skills to propel your life forward and realize your potential.
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Contact Us A Path to Success™ 5255 Stevens Creek Blvd., STE 158 Santa Clara, CA 95051-6664 Phone: (408) 786-5179 Fax: (408) 904-7611 Email:
Meetup Topics: ? G o a l S e t t i n G & a c h i e ve m e n t ? e n t re p re n e u r ? S e l f -i m p rove m e n t ? ? p e r S o n a l G row t h ? p ro fe S S i o n a l D e ve l o p m e n t ? h e a l t h & w e l l n e S S ?
about the organizer:
Carlos Rafael Cruz is the founder of A Path to Success™. He is also a former U.S. Navy Service Member, current small business owner, consultant and speaker. Carlos is known for his straight-forward approach as a no-nonsense problem solver who provides the highest level of support to his clients. Carlos has a fundamental belief that “his word is his bond”, and his clients count on him as a confidant who is honest and keeps their best interest at heart and mind. These reflective questions are at the heart of Carlos’ sessions: • Are you satisfied with your current life? • Are you feeling you are not as prepared as you would like to be? • Do you want to live a fuller life? • Do you want to create the life of your dreams? With determination, commitment and enthusiasm, Carlos has been devoted to assisting people to know their purpose; see their vision; and achieve excellence both personally and professionally. More information can be found at Please contact us for more information at:
Sponsorship Opportunities
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