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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sale of Zen Habits is Off

It is with some sadness, and a little excitement, that I now announce that Zen Habits hasn’t been sold.

Apparently the guys at are a bunch of pranksters, because they have informed me that our sale talks were an April Fool’s joke.

Then they laughed a lot and said, “$25 million for a site with almost nothing on it? Really, Leo?”

I need to quickly find out if I can get back my deposit on that fancy French villa. Otherwise I’ll be doing a bunch of posts on how to get out of debt again. Meditation with the aid of margaritas is still planned, maybe more so now, but will occur in San Francisco instead.

That sadness aside, I am excited by the prospect of writing for you guys again. The hiatus was brief, but it was enough for me to realize what an amazing thing I have here. There has been nothing that has changed my life as much as creating Zen Habits, writing posts for the last four years, and making friends with all of you (aside from, you know, meeting my wife and having those kids).

I wouldn’t trade this for the world.

You are amazing, brilliant, and roguishly sexy people, and I am glad to be with you.


p.s. I am an April Fool myself – I was born at the end of this month

View the original article here

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