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Friday, September 9, 2011

NLP Mindfest (Free)

Learning Strategies is hosting a free online festival for people who want to learn more about personal growth. It’s called the NLP Mindfest, and it starts on September 12, 2011 and runs for 10 days.

Since this program hasn’t started yet, I haven’t seen it. But I wanted to let you know about it for two reasons. First, it’s totally free. And second, I’ve recommended other programs from Learning Strategies such as PhotoReading and Paraliminals, and I know they’re sticklers for high quality, so I don’t feel any hesitation in letting you know about this festival.

The NLP Mindfest is a series of online audio programs. Each one is about an hour long, and they’re releasing two programs each day of the Mindfest. So that’s 20 different experts sharing techniques for making changes.

The programs are commercial free, so there are no advertisements or excessive plugs for the authors’ other products. The focus is on providing value you can use right away.

One unique aspect of this program is that there’s a good chance you’ve never even heard of the experts who are participating in the Mindfest. Apparently this was intentional. Learning Strategies didn’t want to create yet another me-too program. They opted to put together a collection of experts who are better known for their methods and teaching than for their sales and marketing skills.

I’m sure you’re looking for the catch, so here it is: The programs are only available for free during the Mindfest. You’ll have a 24-hour window to listen to each of them. If you want copies to listen to again later, you’ll have the option of buying the whole set afterwards. I think you’ll agree that’s a pretty minor catch. If you just want to listen to all the programs for free and not buy anything, you can do so. It’s all try before you buy.

Here’s a list of the different sessions in the Mindfest (provided to me by Learning Strategies):

1. Mind Mastery: How to kick negative thoughts out of your life

2. Brain Switch: How to erase anxiety and boost success

3. Influence vs. Power: How to quickly build connections with others

4. Our Future Leaders: How to reduce fears in children

5. Ultimate Motivation: How to achieve an extraordinary and healthy lifestyle

6. New Life: How to control diabetes and weight

7. Missed by the Masses: What you should know to be more successful

8. Stop the Sabotage: How to uproot nasty habits with ease

9. Game Day Nerves: How to live without performance anxiety

10. Change Catapult: How to self-coach yourself to significant achievement

11. Word Mastery: How to be clear, persuasive, and charismatic

12. X-Ray Listening: Decoding the language of the unconscious mind

13. Winning Strategies: How to use unconscious programming to change your life

14. Living Brilliantly: How to find your personal “sweet spot”

15. Huna & NLP: Ancient and modern keys to well-being

16. Story Time: The truth about your success, relationships, and happiness

17. Social Media: How to use NLP to create sales on the Internet

18. Awareness: The answer to every life problem that actually has an answer

19. Powerful Clarity: Make better life decisions

20. Mending the Wounded Learner: Conquering the fear of learning

Here are the details on how the Mindfest works.

Starting on Monday, Sep 12, each day at 9:00pm Eastern time (6:00pm Pacific time), two new programs will be posted online for you to listen to.

You’ll have 24 hours to listen to these programs… until the next day’s programs are posted. During that window you can listen to the programs as often as you wish. So you don’t have to tune in right at the program posting time if that’s not convenient for you.

Sign up online if you want to attend the Mindfest. A few days before it begins, you’ll receive an email with the full schedule and web links. Then just visit the website to listen to the new programs as you desire. You shouldn’t need any special software or browser plug-ins.

As soon as you sign up for the Mindfest, you’ll also get instant access to a special introductory session with Paul Scheele and Marilyn Devonish. This session will give you a couple techniques you can use right away. And you don’t have to wait for the Mindfest to start — this session is available right now.

You may have noticed that our upcoming Conscious Growth Workshop (Sep 16-18 in Las Vegas) overlaps the dates of the NLP Mindfest. That would make it difficult for CGW attendees to listen to the Mindfest. To remedy this conflict, I made arrangements with Learning Strategies to provide the NLP Mindfest recordings to our CGW attendees — for free. No catch.

So if you’re attending the September CGW, you can listen to the whole Mindfest for free at your leisure anytime after the workshop. I believe Learning Strategies will be selling these recordings for $148, so this makes for a nice bonus gift. During the week after CGW, I’ll coordinate with Learning Strategies to get your bonus delivered to you.

Please note that this free bonus is only provided for September CGW attendees. If you’re attending a different workshop (SRW, CSW, or CRW), you can still watch the NLP Mindfest live for free.

Since CGW starts in only 15 days, this is meant mainly as an extra thank you bonus for people who’ve already registered. But if you’re still on the fence about going and this extra bonus nudges you over the edge, I certainly have no objections to that perspective. :)

Click on over to the NLP Mindfest page, and you can watch Paul Scheele’s intro video before deciding if you want to sign up for it.

View the original article here

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