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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CSW Almost Sold Out

The Conscious Success Workshop starts in only 10 days (Jan 13-15, 2012 in Las Vegas). We’re close to selling out, so if you’re planning to sign up, please don’t wait till the last minute, or there’s a possibility we won’t have any seats left.

I estimate that we can sell about 6 more tickets before the room is at capacity.

This is the eighth 3-day workshop we’ll be doing in Las Vegas. When I look back on our first Conscious Growth Workshop in 2009, I see that we’ve really come a long way. I especially enjoy the process of designing workshops that are empowering, engaging, social, and practical.

I’d say that the main difference between CSW and other programs on success is this: A typical book, audio program, or workshop on success usually begins with setting goals. After you set some goals, you get a bunch of advice on how to take action to move towards those goals.

This approach does work for some people, but it usually fails. The problem is that it’s too likely that you’ll set socially conditioned goals to begin with — goals such as how much money to earn, what car to buy, how much weight to lose, or what kind of job to get. Those goals may look good on paper, but they’re not enough to center your life around — they’re too shallow and too boring compared to what you can create with a more conscious approach.

If you dive into goal setting too soon, you may come up with some ideas and feel slightly motivated as you write them down, but that motivation won’t last, and those goals won’t stick. That’s because the goals you set weren’t really yours to begin with. If you find yourself changing directions every few months and not sticking with any goals long enough to achieve them, the most likely reason is that you haven’t learned how to set goals consciously. The goals you set were just surface thoughts. If you did the same goal setting exercise a month later, you’d have come up with different goals.

At CSW we’re going to use a smarter and more conscious approach. We’ll address goal setting but not right away. First we’ll help you identify and discard socially conditioned surface goals. Once we get those out of the way, then we can go deeper into what you truly desire to experience in life. We’ll help you build a solid foundation of self-understanding with a variety of exercises, with the aim of creating a holistic life vision, not a disjointed set of goals. Once you have a clear vision for your life and you understand the person you wish to be, you can set goals much more consciously, but you can also enjoy a lot of fulfillment and success simply by sticking to your vision, even when you don’t set specific goals along the way.

CSW is designed to help you discover and embrace what it will take for you to be a success, based on your values and desires. Once you get in touch with that, it’s easier to get into the mode of doing success by taking action. This being aspect is crucial if you wish to experience the type of success that results from your own conscious choices, as opposed to the socially conditioned version of success that’s promoted by mainstream media. Conscious success will fulfill you deeply. Socially conditioned success may leave you feeling very empty inside, regardless of how much you seem to have achieved.

As a simple example, I enjoy conscious success as a writer because my writing is aligned with my true desires. I find it very fulfilling to share ideas with others around the world through the medium of blogging. I write when I’m inspired to write, not because I have to. I have no deadlines, no boss, and no editor. My articles are uncopyrighted by choice, so anyone can republish or translate them.

I enjoy this type of success because I’ve shed the socially conditioned version of success that doesn’t align with my truest, deepest desires. I don’t care if I have a New York Times bestseller. I don’t care about being on Oprah. I don’t care about making millions of dollars. I don’t care what the critics have to say. This vision of writing makes me very happy, and I feel tremendously successful on this path. On the contrary, I have friends who seem much less happy as writers, even though they’ve been on Oprah and have the bestseller accolades. They’re on a stressful treadmill; I’m free.

There will be many creative exercises to help you go through this process. Some are left-brained, others more right-brained. One exercise involves crayons. :)

If you’ve found that traditional goal setting has fallen short for you, or if you suspect your goals have been overly infected with what society has taught you to want, I think you’ll really gain a lot from CSW. One of my intentions for this workshop is that by the end of the first day, you’ll have more clarity about your true desires than you’ve ever had before in your life. I say this because most people never learn how to differentiate between true desires and socially conditioned ones, and I don’t know of any other workshops that teach people how to tell the difference.

One of the most powerful aspects of CSW is that it will help to unload false notions of success you’ve been conditioned to believe without question. This will restore your freedom to consciously choose what you desire to experience — and to create it without getting bogged down in false desires. It will be a richly rewarding 3 days for you to experience… and certainly for me to share with you.

View the original article here

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