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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Start a New Business with a No Excuses Approach

January is an amazing time to starting thinking about what you want in life. It’s fun and exciting to dream about how awesome a new year will be. You set goals, you get excited…

Then the excuses set in.

“The person who really wants to do something finds a way; the other person finds an excuse.” ~Author Unknown

If one of your goals this year is to really start the business you have been wanting to start, these might be some of the excuses:

“I don’t have time.”

“I don’t have enough money.”

“I don’t know what to do!”

In the 50 millionaires I interviewed last year, I found a common theme. They have a No Excuses Approach. That doesn’t mean they don’t have any excuses. They do. But they don’t let their excuses stop them from getting something they want.

So if you truly want to make 2012 the year you kick butt and take names – You need to get rid of the excuses. So here are some reasons for the excuses and how to get past them.

Fear is a basic survival mechanism. When ever we don’t know the outcome,  fear comes to the forefront of our minds. That’s when we make excuses so we don’t have to move forward. Get over your fear with these tips.

How difficult or long you think the task is really matters in what you accomplish. Based on coaching many clients, most people have A to Z thinking when it comes to starting new projects. They know they are at the beginning right now (A), but they want to know every letter in between A and Z before they start.

Because that is extremely difficult to know, the “it’s” can turn into excuses.

“I really need to know how I’m going to market the book I want to write. Even though I haven’t written it yet.” – Person who then proceeds to listen to the latest podcast on book marketing, but still doesn’t start the book

It keeps us from even taking the first step!

If you think you will die if you try public speaking, then you won’t ever do it. Instead (to satisfy our ego) we decide to make excuses. It’s easier than changing our beliefs, but it leads to a life filled with excuses. If you believe you can do it, no matter what, you will not let an excuse stop you.

Instead find and replace your limiting beliefs.

You don’t necessarily need to which reason is behind the excuse to move past it. Here is what you can do:
Recognize Them

The better you are at being honest and recognizing them as excuses the easier it will be to discount them and counteract them. If you don’t notice them, ask a friend to stop you every time you give an excuse. It brings a lot of awareness to your excuses! (I know from experience.)

Logically Counteract Them

Here are a few common excuses, plus an article for each to help you counteract them:

Take Immediate Action

Then take immediate action. Choose the first step that you can do and do it. Derek Sivers told me the following:

“Whatever scares you, go do it because then it won’t scare you anymore. With almost anything once you do it, it’s not as scary as you thought it was.”

Rinse and Repeat

Even if you get rid of one excuse another may pop up. Be diligent in recognizing them and moving anyway!

This year, stay motivated and excited. Don’t give your excuses your energy. They are only a small bump in the road. Try these techniques and have an amazing year!

“We will either find a way, or make one.” – Hannibal

(Photo credit: Businessman Jumping a Gap via Shutterstock)

After paying off $70,000 and quitting her corporate job, Jaime started her own business. Four years later she has been on CNN, MSNMoney, Success Magazine, Fortune, Yahoo's homepage twice and more. She is a business coach and speaker plus she interviews self made millionaires weekly for their tips, advice and stories. Sign up for her free webinar series on getting past "I don't have enough time!" with actionable steps you can take during the webinar.

View the original article here

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