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Thursday, March 29, 2012

9 Habits of Highly Productive Leaders

Nine habits of highly productive peopleThere are many definitions of leadership, many quotes from highly revered people that sum up the essence of leadership. Perhaps the most well know is Gandhi’s

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

But as Leadership expert Robin Sharma has pointed out, you don’t have to have a title to be a leader. He tells us that we all must step up to the mark and be a leader in our own field, even if we work in a team or are self employed.

When it comes to self leadership it’s about taking control and responsibility for your own circumstances. It’s about stepping forward, instead of stepping back. It’s about raising your hand and not staying in the background. If everyone were to step up and take responsibility the world would be a better place.

For me Leadership and Productivity are very closely linked. Productivity is synonymous with getting things done but what few people consciously realize is that it is also synonymous with creativity; and these two elements are essential for effective Leadership. We all know that to achieve anything in life we need to get things done but if we are merely to complete tasks as they come our way this will amount to nothing. We need time for creative and strategic thinking. The most effective leaders are those who have the vision to make the world a better place and have the means through being highly productive to get the job done.

Here are 10 suggested habits that can help you become a more productive leader whether you have a title or not.

1. Have a clear Vision

Having a crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve which is communicated clearly to all involved will ensure the commitment and motivation are present to achieve the goal.

2. Have a Workflow System

A workflow system will allow you to work effectively and creatively by freeing up time to do the work the matters. Understanding the most effective flow of work will ensure that work is not duplicated or distractions don’t interfere with the work that matters.

3. Take Responsibility

Take responsibility for all of your actions and behaviours. Eliminate any victim behavior, Remember that you are the master of your fate.

4. Work Your Body

All of the worlds high achievers work out regularly, Obama, Bush, Branson, all know the benefits of regular exercise for stamina, for performance and for productivity. It is one of the best habits you can adopt to become more productive. The extra energy that you gain from working out along with the de-stressing effect will enhance your productivity and performance more than any other habit.

5 Relax Your Body

Along with exercise the body needs rest, relaxation and plenty of sleep to perform at its best. Meditation and Yoga can also help to relax and de-stress the body.

6. Value your Time

Delegate, outsource and share your work.

“Only do what only you can do.”


Your time is too precious to waste so only use it to do the work that no one else can do for you.

7. Become a good Listener

If you lead other people it is essential to listen well but you will also find that if you listen well it can make you more productive by eliminating duplication of work or misunderstandings that can lead to unessential work being completed.

8. Be the best you can be

Always do your best and you will have no regrets. Success doesn’t come to those who sit and wait, it is necessary to work towards your vision. Engage with your vision, keep taking action.

“Nothing will work unless you do.”

Maya Angelou

9. Make time for Thinking

In order to excel at what you do, You must make time for thinking. Creative thinking and strategic thinking. This is one of the biggest mistakes people in business make. They are too busy with day to day tasks that they forget to plan, to innovate, to dream. And without these factors there will never be growth or involvement, simply stagnation.

So step up and take the lead and start to make your life make a difference.

(Photo credit: Number Rainbow Lights Glitter with Sparkles via Shutterstock)

Ciara Conlon is a Personal Productivity Coach and author. Her mission is to help people achieve their best through working efficiently and being positive and present. “Through Productivity and Positivity I believe there is little we can’t achieve” go to Productivity & Positivity and get Free eBook called Clear the Clutter; Find Your Life

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