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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Surf The Web In Stealth Mode with Epic, The Privacy Browser

Being followed is no fun. It’s actually kind of dangerous.

Now, thanks to the Epic Privacy Browser from Hidden Reflex, you don’t have to worry about being followed; on the web that is.

This Chromium-based browser keeps your data safe by blocking tracking scripts and online advertisements. That means that you’re information is not being stored and then sold to advertisers.

I bet you didn’t even know that was happening, did you?

The average webpage might have four tracking ads, while others have up to 40. But Epic is trying to block is refer data. This privacy browser won’t keep cookies, save your history, employ autofill or store any of your information. Once you close the browser you information will vanish.

The best part is that all of the steps taken to increase privacy also increase load time up to 25%.

So now you can surf faster and don’t have to worry about being followed.

Thanks, Epic.

Official Site | Epic the Privacy Browser

Google Chrome recently added a new feature which enables users to refresh their browser installation. How to Reset Chrome Browser

Joe Vennare is a fitness professional, freelance writer, and the co-founder of Hybrid Athlete. He’s obsessed with education, entrepreneurship, and exercise as a means of continual evolution. Follow him on Twitter as he hacks his way to a physically fit, exceedingly productive, more creative version of himself.

View the original article here

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